Commission Dissolved on January 5, 2023


The purpose of the Growth Management Oversight Commission is to provide an independent annual review of the effectiveness of the General Plan regarding development issues. The Commission considers the quality of life threshold standards set forth in the Growth Management Plan and makes determinations or recommendations regarding those standards; annually reviews implementation of the Growth Management Element of the General Plan and the growth management program, including the adequacy of master facility plans to account for effective use of public facilities required by future growth in connection with the planning and phasing of development projects. 


Meetings may be cancelled and/or Special meetings held
*Check agenda to confirm upcoming meeting details

Meeting Date:   First and Third Thursdays of each month
Time:   6:00 p.m.

City Hall
Building A
Conference Room C-103
276 Fourth Ave, Chula Vista


The GMOC is composed of nine members of the community appointed by City Council to four-year terms. All terms expire on June 30th on the year listed below.


Chula Vista’s multi-faceted Growth Management Program is comprised of and executed through several documents and related regulatory programs, and includes a systematic application of land use regulation and policies, facility and service threshold standards, environmental review, financing mechanisms, and monitoring and enforcement functions.  All are designed to ensure that development occurs only when necessary public facilities and services exist, or are provided concurrent with the demands of new development, so that quality of life can be maintained or enhanced.

Threshold Standards

Chula Vista maintains its excellent quality of life by carefully monitoring threshold standards or “for eleven public facility and service topics, including eight city-controlled topics (Drainage, Fire and Emergency Medical Services, Fiscal, Libraries, Parks and Recreation, Police, Sewer, and Traffic); two outside agencies (Schools and Water); and one hybrid, Air Quality and Climate protection.  These topics are identified in the city’s "Growth Management" ordinance,updated and approved by City Council in 2015, and each includes a goal, objectives, one or more threshold standards, and implementation measures.  They fall into one of three general categories:

  1. A performance standard measuring overall level of service: for Drainage, Fire and Emergency Medical Services, Police, Sewer, and Traffic;
  2. A ratio of facilities to population: Libraries and Parks and Recreation; and
  3. A qualitative standard: for Air Quality and Climate Protection, Fiscal, Schools, and Water.

Below are brief descriptions of threshold standards for the eleven public facilities and services topics:

Air Quality and Climate Protection:

The city shall pursue a greenhouse gas emissions reduction target consistent with appropriate city climate change and energy efficiency regulations in effect at the time of project application.


1) Fiscal Impact Analyses and Public Facilities Financing Plans, at the time they are adopted, shall ensure that new development generates sufficient revenue to offset the cost of providing municipal services and facilities to that development. 

2)  The city shall establish and maintain a Development Impact Fee and other necessary funding programs or mechanisms to ensure timely delivery of infrastructure and services needed to support growth, consistent with the threshold standards.


The city shall not fall below the citywide ratio of 500 gross square feet (GSF) of library space, adequately equipped and staffed, per 1,000 residents.


1) Respond to at least 81% of Priority 1 calls within 7 minutes 30 seconds and maintain an average response time of 6 minutes or less. 

2) Respond to all Priority 2 calls within 12 minutes or less (measured annually).


1) Arterial Level of Service (ALOS) for Non-Urban Streets shall maintain LOS “C” or better; except, that during peak hours, LOS “D” can occur for no more than two hours of the day. 

2) Urban Street Level of Service (ULOS) segments shall maintain LOS “D” or better; except that during peak hours, LOS “E” can occur for no more than two hours per day.

Fire and Energy Medical Services:

Respond to calls throughout the city within 7 minutes in at least 80% of the cases (measured annually).

Parks and Recreation:

Provide 3 acres of neighborhood and community parkland with appropriate facilities per 1,000 residents east of I-805.


Storm water flows and volumes shall not exceed city engineering standards and shall comply with current local, state and federal regulations, as may be amended from time to time.


Provide an annual report on ability to accommodate new growth, based on the city’s annual 5-year residential growth forecast.


Sewage flows and volumes shall not exceed city engineering standards.   Annually ensure capacity from the San Diego Metropolitan Sewer Authority or other means sufficient to meet the projected needs of development.


Provide an annual report on ability to accommodate new growth, based on the city’s annual 5-year residential growth forecast.

Annual Residential Growth Forecast

Chula Vista's Annual Residential Growth Forecast is prepared each fall by city staff and is distributed to city departments and outside agencies that provide the eleven public facilities and services analyzed in the GMOC annual report.  The Forecast includes historical information, as well as the number of building permits projected to be issued for the next one to five years.  The projections are based on disclosures from developers and builders regarding residential projects that have been or are undergoing the entitlement process and could potentially be approved by the city and permitted for construction within the next five years.  The projections do not reflect market conditions outside the city’s control.

Copies of the growth forecasts can be found under Quick Links on the upper right corner of the page.