The ISFSI “Understanding and Fighting Basement Fires” program is one of the most talked-about educational experiences in the fire service today.
Basement fires present a significant hazard and make tactical choices a challenge for even the most seasoned firefighter. Line of duty deaths and injuries have encouraged departments to reflect on their current tactics, effects of flow path, and safety considerations for basement fires.
The ISFSI “Understanding and Fighting Basement Fires” 8-hour classroom curriculum addresses types of basement access, fire attack tactics, nozzles and appliances, and tactical considerations based on research and real life experience. The ISFSI partnership with UL Firefighter Safety Research Institute brings the research to the classroom and from the classroom to the streets.
- $100.00
- Maximum of 40 students
- If the class is full and you would like to be added to the Wait List, please email us at
- In the subject title type in: ISFSI Basement Fires Wait List Request
Tuition is non-refundable if a cancellation by Student is received within 30 days prior to the class start date. Failure to appear for registered training (“No Show”) or cancellation within 10 days prior to the event, may impair ability to register for future training.