The ACP is a mechanism for developing offsite water quality compliance through implementation of stream rehabilitation projects for Priority Development Projects.
Stream rehabilitation is a Natural Systems Management Practice (NSMP) that uses remedial measures or activities for the purpose of improving or restoring the beneficial uses of streams, channels, or river systems. Rehabilitation techniques may include but are not limited to the following: riparian zone restoration, constructed wetlands, channel modifications that improve habitat and stability, and daylighting of drainage systems.
The Program was developed using SB2 grant funding to provide an alternative pathway for compliance with water quality requirements in the San Diego Regional Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) Permit (Order R9-2013-0001, as amended) (Regional MS4 Permit) and improve the overall habitat and watershed health within the City of Chula Vista. The Program was accepted by the San Diego RWQCB in August 2023.
The City has developed a Water Quality Equivalency (WQE) equation to determine the pollutant control credits provided by stream rehabilitation NSMPs based on three processes: (1) runoff retention, (2) sediment stabilization, and (3) vegetation biofiltration. The overall uplift in ecological benefits for a restored system is represented by a multiplier in the equation that increases credit volume.
In addition to developing a WQE for stream rehabilitation NSMPs, the City has developed an In-Lieu Fee (ILF) Program to generate water quality credits available for PDPs to purchase.